I adore that phrase and everything is stands for. My Memom always said that to me when I'd walk into a room dressed to the nines. "Why, aren't you just all dolled up!," she'd say. The child in her was ever present and her love of dolls was evidence of that. She had cabinets full of Madame Alexander dolls. Doll-face was a term of endearment she would call her granddaughters and great-granddaughters. I'll never forget the pack of paper dolls she sent me when I was away at college and the giddy feeling it gave me to look through all the outfits. She knew getting dolled up was key to a woman's perspective on life.
Getting dolled can mean something special is about to happen or it can mean you need to take a moment to remember who you are, where you've come from and where you're headed. That new dress, that hour at the salon, a bubble bath, an heirloom piece of jewelry or a stunning hat can make you feel like you can accomplish anything.
In honor of my Memom and all women out there who look forward to getting "dolled up," I would love to present, this week, some fun edible favors and enjoyable invitations that are sure to bring out the little princess in all of us.

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